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 About Tyrian Purple Ink

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Here at Tyrian Purple Ink, we are a friendly bunch, enamored of great books, and dedicated to offering our best so your sensational stories can shine.

If you are an author and are looking for a spectacular cover for your upcoming book, a second pair of eyes to proofread your work, or two skilled hands to format your manuscript, we'd like to invite you for a coffee and a chat to discuss your needs.

If you need a cover, but you don't know exactly what you want, TPD can certainly help. Head over to our Pre-Made section and choose the design that best fits your novel.

Pre-made book covers are only a part of the great things we'd like to offer you. We also design full print wraps, audiobook covers, and extras such as promo teasers, promo mockups, bookmark design, or social media banners.

We'd love to meet you and your book. If you also want to be our next best friend, drop us a line at or use the form below:

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